
Dados vol. 46 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 2003

A promessa da “inserção profissional instigante” da sociedade em rede: a imposição de sentido e a sua sociologia

Grün, Roberto


The article examines some of the consequences of the ways by which the contemporary Social Sciences deal with the notion of "network society". Based on the differences in perspective between French and Anglo-Saxon authors, we first discuss the problem of naming the situations encountered and their reflections, both in the Social Sciences and in society as a whole. Second, some aspects of the discussion are used to deal with social processes found in field research with the Brazilian middle classes as their object, especially in relation to difficulties encountered in situating the middle classes in social space.

Palabras-clave: network society; middle classes; self-help; self-fulfilling prophecy; economic sociology.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582003000100001

Texto completo

A promessa da “inserção profissional instigante” da sociedade em rede: a imposição de sentido e a sua sociologia