
Dados vol. 50 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 2007

Francisco Campos e os fundamentos do constitucionalismo antiliberal no Brasil

Santos, Rogerio Dultra dos


The article analyzes the anti-liberal Constitutionalism of Francisco Campos (1891-1968), Minister of Justice during the Estado Novo, as the legal basis for that regime. The theory focuses on the political mobilization of a mass society, the design of a Caesarist and plebiscitarian dictatorship, and the shaping of institutions anchored in delegated legislation. The text highlights the author's distinction between liberalism and democracy and his sociology of the masses, which ascribes irrationality to the political sphere. To consider Campos a major artifice of the Estado Novo means to reject the conjectures that simplify the understanding of the Vargas government as authoritarian-populist.

Palavras-chave: Francisco Campos; anti-liberal Constitutionalism; Estado Novo.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582007000200003

Texto completo

Francisco Campos e os fundamentos do constitucionalismo antiliberal no Brasil