
Dados vol. 29 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 1986

Authoritarian Brazil Revisitado: O Impacto das Eleições na Abertura Política Brasileira, 1974-1982

Lamounier, Bolivar


Produced during the Médici govemment, the volume Authoritarian Brazil contained several extremely important analyses of the Brazilian military regime in its phase of authoritarian radicalization. However, it must be sai d that these analyses have not been of much predictive value in regard to the liberalization begun in 1973·74, and bave been even less so in .regard to the mechanics of that process, which consisted of a rapid revaluation of the electoral arena.

Texto completo

Authoritarian Brazil Revisitado: O Impacto das Eleições na Abertura Política Brasileira, 1974-1982