
Dados vol. 25 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1982

A Idiotia da Vida Rural

Soares, Glaucio Ary Dillon; Collins, Jane


Most studies of peasant political behavior belong to one of two categories. First, there are those that seek to explain patterns of political behavior in terms of peasant culture and personality. Second, there are others which focus the influences of the dominant mode of production or its interaction with the peasant mode (or form) of production. Both kinds of studies are prone to commit two kinds of errors: first, they seek to infer peasant political behavior by deduction from some set of social laws; and, second, they tend to view the peasant as a relatively isolated political actor. This paper tries to redress that imbalance by explicitly bringing the state into the analysis of political behavior. It suggests that the peasantry, like any other social group or class, steers herself politically vis-a-vis the state and his policies and coercive capabilities. Consequently, even if the peasant economy may constitute a relatively isolated realm, the political sociology of the peasantry does not follow specific laws of behavior, different from those which determine the political behavior of other groups or classes.

Texto completo

A Idiotia da Vida Rural